Q.V.P. has automatic and manual systems, this combined with large selection of VAKuum Bags and Frame Presses, provides the largest selection in the industry. Combine the features of vacuum pressing and clamping into one unit called the "ALL-in-ONE" for a highly functional and economical tool that is incomparable in the market. \r\n\r\nAll Automatic Air-Powered Pressing Systems come in 5 different sizes. You will see them referred to as the Super Industrial - 15, the Industrial - 10, the Super Pro - 6, the Pro - 4, and the Standard - 2. As you increase the size of the pump, its capacity also increases. This is described as Vacuum Flow. All of our VAK Pumps will create 27"Hg of vacuum which translates into 1800 lbs./ft2 of even and uniform pressing force. The difference between various sizes of pumps is the speed at which they draw vacuum. The larger pumps will simply reach a certain vacuum level faster due to higher vacuum flow. For instance, a Super Industrial - 15 unit will reach 27"Hg over 8 times faster than a Standard - 2 unit. \r\n\r\nEvacuation speed is important when using large forms in a press or when your glue provides a short open time. For example, when pressing a curved panel with the form in the press, you could have 20 cubic feet of air to remove. With the SuperPro (6) it could take about 10 minutes to get it under pressure. The Industrial (10) would do it in 5 minutes and Super Industrial 2-3 minutes. However a flat panel in a 4' x 8' bag would only take 1.5 to 2.0 minutes to get it under pressure with the SuperPro (6). This the time saving with the Industrial of 45 seconds is not significant. \r\n\r\nAnother issue to take into account when making a decision, is the compressed air requirements that the VAK Pumps have. The larger units need more Cubic Feet per Minute (C.F.M.) of compressed air to create the higher vacuum flow. If you currently don't have a large enough compressor to handle a certain system that you are interested in, look at the next smaller unit. All Air-Powered Vacuum Systems have an upgrade capability. This means that at any point in time, you can up-grade a Q.V.P. Air-Powered System for a faster or more versatile unit without losing you original investment. Just return the unit to us and we will make the appropriate adjustments and send it back to you. You only pay the difference in price between the units. This way, as your business and need for more efficiently productive tools grow, you can upgrade your operations at a small cost.